
Architecture is about space and light.

It’s about how people use places and their experience of being in them. It’s about the materials you touch, the colours that you see and the air that you breathe.

I love buildings.  I love the forms that they create with their mass but more importantly I love the spaces they create, between, around and inside.  The form can only be looked at but the spaces can be felt and experienced.

I have 25 years’ experience as an architect and have worked on a variety of projects: mainly commercial, retail and residential. I have worked for big companies and small companies, on very large buildings and on very small buildings, I have worked in teams and by myself.  I have worked on construction sites and in management and in an Engineering firm as an ESD consultant so I have a fundamental understanding of the mechanics of the construction industry, and of buildings and how they go together including structure and services.

I work alone because my satisfaction in being an architect is derived from being thorough, accurate and understanding all aspects of the task at hand.  The client benefits by having a single point of contact and the knowledge that every line in the drawing is well considered in the full context of the project.

I have a Masters Degree in Design Science (Sustainable Design) and I apply the filter of  our ecological responsibilities to everything I do.

I am a specialist in cafe design.  For a list of cafe’s that I have designed or been involved with, click here.